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Senin, 12 April 2010

Processing Batik ala Cah FBS UNSIQ

Processing Batik
Batik is the process of waxing and dyeing cloth. The word of batik is thought to be derived from the word "ambatik" which translated means a cloth with little dots". The suffix "tik" mean little dot, drop, point or make dots. Batik may also originates from the Javanese word "kitik" which describes a resist in process for drying where the patterns are reserved on the textiles by tying and sewing areas prior to dying, similar to tie dye techniques.
Hand drawn batiks, known as tulis woman creating fabrics batiks are examples of the finest batiks work. Their designs are drawn or painted in wax by hand with a tool known as canting. The canting consist of a small copper cup with a spout and the number of spout may vary for different functions. To begin making a tulis batik, beeswax is melted in a small metal pot with a flame underneath. The design is drawing on the cotton fabric with a pencil. The cloth is tacked onto a wooden frame. Then taking the canting tool, the artist dips into the melted wax and begins applying it to the cloth.
Once they have outlined the design, they pour on the first dye. Then the artist applies the second coat of wax. Painting with wax the areas to be saved. They start with the lightest colors working toward the darkest colour used. When they are finished with this process, they put the fabric in boiling water and melt the wax off.
There are kinds of batik and process making.
 Handwritten batik
Comparing to the others, it is more exclusive it is because of the need of skill, experience, carefulness, patient and much time in this process. A batik maker takes a month to process it (the fastest time) in conditional like : a good weather, common pattern and not too sophisticated for making more complex batik. It needs 3-6 month. There are the phases in processing.
1. It is "ngrengsi" making pattern and design on material. It is drawn using a pencil.
2. Draw using a wax and canting-small dipper used to apply wax in batik process it is made by following the pattern drawn with a pencil on the both side-back to back.
3. "Nyolet" is painting by brush or canvas for the need of certain colour on the area wanted-wanted-it is made by following the pattern drawn by a pencil.
4. Cover some uncolored parts with a wax. It has an intention to avoid a mixing colour for the next coloring / ngrengek.
5. Making colour on the material which are not covered by wax. It is made by dipping it using a certain colour / ngrengek.
After dipping, it dried in the sun and let it dry. Then repeat the previous process / the second step, next it is "nglorot" omitting the wax from the material by putting on vessel and using hot water, boiling in a high temperature. After clean from wax, let it dry and back to previous process-covering using a wax in order to with stand the first and second colour-wax open and close process can be made repiedly in accordance to the number of colour and complexity of design wanted. The last process is cleaning the material using clean water and dry in the sun before wearing.

 Stamp batik
The stamp used is made of metal in which there in a pattern, hence is not required much time to process stamp batik. Just takes 10 days and able to produce batik in a large, it is easier and simpler. Hera are the following manners.
1. Making a pattern / design wanted on white material. It was made by stamping. Don’t forget to dip it first into hot wax which put on vessel and press it on material.
2. First color process. Dip material-which free from wax-into certain colour. Drying in the sun and let it dry. Then back to batik process-drawing and canting to cover the first colour- it is forbidden to use a stamp when making colour covering process.
3. Keep on dipping to make the second colour. Then omit the wax from the material by putting on a fair place with hot water.
4. After cleaning and drying, back to batik process. Keep the first and colour using wax and canting. The opening and closing process can be done repeadly based on the number of colour and the complexity of design wanted.
5. Wash batik, dry in the sun, let it dry before wearing.

Handprinting Batik
It is also called "screening batik" because of the similarity on this process design and color has been made or designed on the offsets screening. Therefore it is easier when processing. The menenr are:
1. First coloring process, started by making a pattern / design wanted on white material using silk-screening. Keep on repeating to create the second color as well as to create batik.
2. Dry under the sun light or put in special oven. Usually, leave it for 2-3 days so that the drug can absorb in material.
3. There are two options: steam using a vapor on a high temperature or use a chemical. Water glass. It has a purpose to stick and keep the color on material and avoid discolored.
4. "nglorot" omit a wax from material and dry in the sun
 Painting batik is a making bating without pattern but direct color in the fabric.
 Printing batik is making batik which drawing using machine, kind this batik can produce in a large using modern machine.

Tips to Take Care of Batik
1. Washing batik with hair shampoo before dissolve shampoo until liquid, than please dye batik, you can using special soap to washing batik, you can buy in the market.
2. At you washing batik, don't rub and don't using detergent. If your batik too dirty so you can wash by warm water. If your batik stained you can wash by bath soap. But if the stain still stubborn you can lost it by lime. Don't washing batik by washing machine.
3. After your batik clean you must dry it in the shaded place but don't you press it because can destroy your batik.
4. Don't ironing batik if you don't cover batik with other cloth or fabric.
5. If you will give parfum or softening febric to tulis batik, don't spray direct to your batik. Before you can covered your batik with other febric or paper or newspaper than spray softening febric.

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